North Wales is going to the dogs!

It seemed as if everyone and his dog were out and about in North Wales today, so I decided to focus on the dogs.

This forlorn looking pup was tied up (on a very short lead) outside a pub.

This little girl, called Bella, was so bouncy I could barely take her picture. I met her with her owner outside Poundland in Llandudno

This is 13-week-old Maggie. She still has her fluffy puppy fur. She'll be a big Alsatian when she grows up.

These two adorable spaniels are brothers called George and Dexter. Don't ask -- I don't know which one is which.

Spotted this little Westie called Max at a cafe lapping milk out of a saucer!

This noisy little fellow was barking in Bangor

This elderly dog sleeps on a jacket in Bangor. Sadly, I think the people he was with are homeless.

I met this cheerful Golden Retriever on the No. 5 bus coming from Conwy to Llandudno

Meet Lewis, a handsome border collie who had been having dinner with his humans at an outdoor cafe in Llandudno.

With all this dog talk, I am thinking about a special little lady back home in Toronto. This is my dog, Dolly. Special thanks to Tiffany at Nosey Barkers for giving her such wonderful care while I am away and for supplying the photo.

2 thoughts on “North Wales is going to the dogs!

  1. Awwwww I am such a dog person, thanks for sharing some cuties

    Dolly is very pretty, sure you miss her lots 😦



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